July 2003 | The Ledger


It is really nice to cruise through Ledgewood and see the beautiful lawns and colorful flowers. Thanks to all of you for having pride in our neighborhood.  Mark your calendar for November 13, 2003. This will be the Annual Meeting of the Association. I am looking forward to seeing you there. 

A big “WELL DONE” is in order for our pool manager and crew. Everything is running smoothly and efficiently on our shoestring budget. If you haven’t made use of our pool facilities you need to…it’s great. Good job, Kris Justice and gang!  I would like to express our sympathies to the family of Mary Brodie on her passing. Mary was the Association Historian for many many years. She was a bowling and golfing buddy to many of us and a good neighbor to all. Mary will be missed. 

Here’s to the rest of our summer…rain, rain, go away…let the sunshine in! Again thanks, neighbors, for making Ledgewood a great place to live. 

Jain Baruth | President 

The Clubhouse

Just a reminder, the clubhouse dumpster is to be used for clubhouse activities only. In order to prevent unauthorized persons from continuing to deposit trash in the dumpster, we have posted a sign citing the Strongsville city ordinance. It states “Warning: No person shall place any trash in this receptacle unless the refuse is from the premises on which the receptacle is located: under Strongsville codified ordinance 1064-08 section (1). Violators are guilty of a 3rd degree misdemeanor and shall be fined up to $500 or imprisoned for 60 days or both.” While it may seem like a minor issue, it costs Ledgewood $65 for each trash pickup at the clubhouse, money which can be spent elsewhere. 

In another move to save money, we are asking all those groups that use the clubhouse free of charge to please cleanup after their event or meeting. Our cleaning person will come only before paid events, and not before or after free events. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. 

Two items, occurring too frequently to address by letter, is the need for painting of rusty or faded lamp posts and vegetation growing over the globe. The lamp posts take a beating during the winter and some need a new coat of black paint. Keep in mind when vegetation grows over the lights, it reduces the lighting within Ledgewood which is the only lighting that we have. Bulbs, globes & fixtures can be purchased at the maintenance garage. 238-6000. 

Yvette Grants | Clubhouse 

Architectural Review 

The Trustees recently completed the annual walk through. Some of you have gotten letters noting items that we felt needed a bit of attention. If you did, and have not gotten back to us already, please drop a note or call and let the Board know what you plan to do about the items noted. We will go through the neighborhood again to review those homes that had some problems areas noted, and if we know you are already taking care of the items it will assist us tremendously. If you got a letter and were already painting/weeding/redoing please keep in mind that we may have just missed seeing all that work! Special thanks to those of you who have already called or written to let us know of your intentions. 

Most of the homes in the development are well maintained. I noticed new landscaping and sprucing up that truly enhances the look of the neighborhood. Unfortunately, there are a few homes that do need work, with yards overrun with weeds and in general disrepair. When that happens, it not only affects your property and the value of your house, but also that of your neighbors. Those who work hard to maintain lawns, paint regularly, and keep roofs and gutters in good repair cannot avoid your weeds creeping in to their yards nor the look of your house impacting the value of theirs. 

Ledgewood is a great looking neighborhood with great people. If we all work to keep things looking good, we enhance not only our own property and its value, but also that of the whole development. 

One other thing, please keep a working bulb in your light post, all bushes trimmed back from the sidewalk, and look at the condition of your sidewalks. Ledgewood seems to be a neighborhood of walkers, many of whom are out very early or at night, when it is dark. Checking the items I mentioned make it a little safer for those who are getting their exercise! 

Marcia Folino | Architectural Review 

Phone : 238-4251 

E-mail : architectural@theledgewoodassociation.com

Tennis Courts Update 

Your Ledgewood Board has spent a great deal of energy on the problems at the tennis courts and we believe the problem has finally been solved. As most residents know, courts 1 & 2, the Omni Courts, have fallen victim to numerous floods this year. After your board attended a City Council meeting and council members inspected the courts, it was determined that a crushed culvert pipe under the road has caused the flooding. The pipe was replaced with a larger culvert pipe and city crews graded the areas at both ends of the pipe. We have contacted our maintenance company who will clean and prepare the courts for play as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the courts have been unusable most of the summer, but we believe the problem has finally been resolved. 

Common Ground Update 

As you are all aware this has not been a normal summer due to excessive rainfall. Our common ground’s crew has been working hard to keep up with flooding problems in the area and grass that continues to grow at a fast rate. They are doing their best to keep Ledgewood as attractive as possible under these very difficult conditions. 

Janice Justice | Common Ground Landscape & Recreation 

Betty Anderson, Common Ground 

If you sell your home, the Resident, the Realtor, title company, or bank should notify the association for verification of payment of assessment. You are paying for title searches and some times the title companies do not do their job. The Covenants & Restrictions are a part of the deed to each unit owner’s property. The title company will pro-rate the assessment between buyer and seller. Call Carleen Sundvall at 826-5662. 

BOWLERS WANTED: The Ledgewood Ladies Bowling League needs bowlers for the 2003-2004 season. Bowlers of all skill levels welcome. Please come to our pre-season meeting at the Ledgewood Clubhouse on August 12, 2003 at 1:30 p.m. 

Ledgewood Board of Trustees:

Jain Baruth, President (238-3099)

Jim Turk, Vice-President-Pool (846-1447)

Betty Anderson, Common Ground-Secretary-Treasurer (238-7555)

Marcia Folino, Architectural Review (238-4251)

Yvette Grants, Clubhouse (878-1927)

Janice Justice, Common Ground Landscape & Recreation (238-3925)

Carleen Sundvall, Recording Secretary-Treasurer (826-5662). 


Nicole (Burke) Rosario is an experienced advertising, marketing, sales and consulting professional. After spending decades of her career improving her clients’ and employers’ brands, sales and overall profitability, she decided to take a leap and begin her own management on demand company, MOD. With MOD, Nicole is able to utilize her marketing, event and project experience and knowledge to assist companies of all sizes take their business to the next level. 

She's also enjoyed representing brands as a model, actress and voice over talent for countless brands nationwide. When she's not working she spends her time with her husband and Cleveland Animal Protective League rescue dog, Tramp. To learn more about Nicole, we invite you to visit her professional modeling and acting website and LinkedIn profile.


February 2004 | The Ledger